喬治城大學(xué)MBA - Full Time Program招生信息_申請條件_入學(xué)要求-申請方
喬治城大學(xué)MBA - Full Time Program招生信息已經(jīng)公布,包含申請條件、入學(xué)要求、英語語言成績要求、申請費用、申請所需材料等信息,幫助大家查找留學(xué)項目申請信息。School of Business
Tuition and Mandatory Fees Tuition, Per Credit Hour$2,065.00 Thesis Research, Per Semester$2,750.00 One-Time Transcript Fee$100.00 Yates Field House Membership, Per Semester$210.00 Graduate Student Activity Fee$16.00 Student Health Insurance, Per Year$2,905.00 Detail information: https://studentaccounts.georgetown.edu/tuition/graduate#_ga=2.19718520.138875.1543972877-18350454.1543972877
考試類別 | 總分 | 聽力 | 閱讀 | 口語 | 寫作 |
TOEFL | 100 | - | - | - | - |
寄分碼:Institution code: 5244-02
The minimum required score is 250 (computer-based), 600 (paper-based), or 100 (internet-based). Your test result must not be more than two years old
We accept only academic module results; the minimum required score is 7.5. Your test result must not be more than two years old.
寄分碼:Institution code: 5244-02
No more than five years old
寄分碼:Institution code: 5244-02
No more than five years old