加州大學(xué)戴維斯分校PhD in Chemical Engineering招生信息_申請條件_入學(xué)要求-申請方
加州大學(xué)戴維斯分校PhD in Chemical Engineering招生信息已經(jīng)公布,包含申請條件、入學(xué)要求、英語語言成績要求、申請費用、申請所需材料等信息,幫助大家查找留學(xué)項目申請信息。Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering
Our doctoral students are fully funded by the department for the first four years of graduate study, as long as they remain in good academic standing. The funding guarantee includes full fee payment, including non-resident supplemental tuition (NRST) and a yearly stipend (including summers) of around $30,000. Doctoral students are required to serve as teaching assistants for at least three quarters, but otherwise, most students receive a full fee remission and salary by serving as graduate student researchers (GSRs) in their major professor’s lab.
考試類別 | 總分 | 聽力 | 閱讀 | 口語 | 寫作 |
TOEFL | 100 | - | - | - | - |
寄分碼:Institution code: 4834
The minimum score required for admission to the Department is 600 on the paper test, or 100 on the internet-based test for TOEFL (iBT). We require at least 7 on a 9-point scale for IELTS. Scores must not be more than two (2) years old. There is no conditional admission.
The minimum score required for admission to the Department is 600 on the paper test, or 100 on the internet-based test for TOEFL (iBT). We require at least 7 on a 9-point scale for IELTS. Scores must not be more than two (2) years old. There is no conditional admission.
寄分碼:Institution code: 4834, Department code: 1001
The GRE General Test is composed of three sections: Verbal Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Analytical Writing We are looking for GRE scores of 150/160/4.5 respectively or higher (these are recommended scores, not minimum requirements). Scores must not be more than five (5) years old. GRE Scores must be reported electronically to UC Davis. Be sure to indicate the UC Davis Institution Code (4834) when ordering scores from ETS. The Department Code for Chemical Engineering is 1001. We strongly recommend that you plan to take your GRE examination no later than October.
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